Exhibition Trondheim CACIB (N) 28.05.2022

Always In My Hearts Faundland

Catalog No: 1300
Rating: SG2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Written critics: Nine months and a real baby. He is corr in size and length of body. He has a masculine head, a bit round eye and a bit open eye, he has a sizzor bite. Well placed ears. Good neck. I'd like to see more level topline stacked and on the move. Corr croupe and tailset. He is well angul behind. Enough in front. Good bone, strong feet. Nice coat. He moves with drive, but he needs to settle in topline and front.

Bruno z Krainy Medo

Catalog No: 1301
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Written critics: 11 months, rather big boy already. Corr length of body. He has a masculine dry head with typ expr. Corr muzzle and bite. Well placed ears. Good neck withers, level topline. Good croupe and tailset, he is well angulated in front and rear. Strong bone, good feet. Lovely coat texture. On the move he has correct behind but needs more stability in front action. Well presented.

Auroranewfs Calisto

Catalog No: 1302
Rating: SG3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Written critics: A real youngster. He is corr in stize and length of body. He has a masculine head, a bit open round eye, he needs to be dryer in the lips and he is too marked in the stop. Corr placed ears. Good neck, shoulders, level topline, corr croupe and tailset and agulation beind. enough in front. Good bone. I'd like to see a bit strong feet. Very nice coat. On the move he is corr behind but i'd like to see more stability in topline and front action. Well presented.

Schimos George Jackson

Catalog No: 1303
Rating: SG2
Class: Offene
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Written critics: Strong male. He is corr in size. Longish body. He has a strong masculine head with typ expression, correct wideness of skull. Well placed ears. A bit irregular incisors and bite. He has well placed ears. Strong neck. I'd like to see a more level topline stacked and on the move. Corr croupe and tailset. He is well angul. with strong bone. Large feet. Lovely coat texture. On the move he is corr behind, but he needs more time to settle in front. And sometimes a bit to proud of his tail. Lovely temp.

Fagergärds Fantastiske Fritjof

Catalog No: 1304
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Written critics: A medium sized male. Enough length in body. He has a masculine head, but a bit round eye, medium brown, He has a strong muzzle, correct wideness of skull. Slightely marked stop. Corr ear. Good neck. Level topline with a corr croupe and tailset. He is well angulated behind. Enough in front. Good bone. Very strong feet. Lovely coat texture. He moves with drive, but I wish a bit more stab in front action. Well presented.

Hjerteknusern Polka-Sheriff

Catalog No: 1305
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: Almost 9 years. Medium sized male. Corr in length of body. He has a strong masculine dry head, dry lips, typ exprssion. A bit irregular in bite. Dark eye. well placed ears. good neck and withers. Level topline. Good croupe and tailset. Angulations in balance. Nice coat. He showes drive from behind, with enough stab in front action. He is well presented.

Auroranewfs Catch Your Dreams

Catalog No: 1306
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Written critics: A real yougster. She is corr in size, needs of course more time to mature in body. She has a feminine head. Dry lips. Dark eye. Corr ear placement. Good neck. Level topline. Corr tailset and carraiage. She is well angul behind. Just enough in front. Good bone for her age. Nice coat. She moves with drive but needs a bit more time to settle in front action. This youngester needs a bit more time all over.

Dule van het Hoogveen

Catalog No: 1307
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 1.BTK, CACIB, BOB
Written critics: Very lovely type, real bear type. Corr in size and length of body. Very lovely head with typ expr, dry lips, corr bite. Well placed ears. Good neck. Corr topline, croupe and tailset. Angulations in balance. Strong bone. good feet. Lovely coat texture. She moves very easily and sound. She is well presented. A bitch to be proud of.

Bärenhjelms Beautiful Beloved Bella

Catalog No: 1308
Rating: SG2
Class: Working
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Written critics: Six years, strong bitch. Corr in size, length of body. She has a feminine head, but I like the head totally more dryer. I'd like to see a bit more wideness in skull. Small eyes wich could be a shade darker. Corr bite. Well placed ears. Good neck, well bodied, typ angulations around. Massive bone. Large feet. Corr coat. On the move she is corr behind, but I wish a bit more stab in front action.

Hjerteknusern Siesta

Catalog No: 1309
Rating: V1
Class: Working
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Anwartschaft: CK, R.CERT, 2.BTK, CACIB-R
Written critics: SIx years. Very lovely type. Corr in size and length of body. She has a lovely dry, feminine head with corr wideness in skull. Strong muzzle. Corr bite. Small eyes. Well placed ears. Good neck. Well bodied with typ angul. around. Massive bone. Large feet. Corr coat. She moves very easily and sound. Is well presented.

Schimos Chimes of Freedom

Catalog No: 1310
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Written critics: Six years. A bitch of correct sie and lenght of body. She has a feminine head with dark eye. I'd like to see a bit more wideness in skull. Acceptable lips. Small dark eyes. Well placed ears. Good neck. Level topline. Corr croupe and tailset. Well angulated behind. Enough in front. Good bone. Large feet. Corr coat. She moves with drive, but I widh a bit more stab in front action. She is well presented.

Coolbears Frozen Morning Rain

Catalog No: 1311
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BTK
Written critics: Five years, very lovely type of bitch. Corr in size, length of body. She has a lovely feminine, dry head with small dark eyes. Corr bite. Well placed ears. Good neck. Toptop body with typ angulations around. Massive bone. Good feet. Lovely coat texture. She moves very easily and sound. Is well presented.

Bikkjehaugens Rakel

Catalog No: 1312
Rating: SG3
Class: Champion
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Written critics: Four years, medium sized bitch. Corr in size. Longish body. She has a feminine head. I'd like to see a bit more wideness in skull. Small eyes. A bit marked stop. Correct dry lips and scizzor bite. Strong neck. Correct shoulder. I'd like to se more level topline stacked and on the move. Corr croupe and tailset. At the jmaximum hock angulations. Good bone. Strong feet. Nice coat. On th emove she showes a ot of drive from behind, but I wish more stability in topline and in front.